Sunday, June 10, 2012

Magnesium and Zinc

If you live near a Walmart, you may want to visit their vitamin section and buy a bottle of magnesium and zinc. As of this writing, it sells at $4 a bottle. Take three tablets. Don't take more. It makes you pleasantly sleepy and the sleep you do get is very relaxing. This won't work if you drink lots of caffeine during the day, but if you avoid caffeine, alochol, and sugar and eat whole grains and leafy green vegetaables, the magnesium-zinc combination will help a lot.

I find that if something wakes me up during the night that I am able to get back to sleep wtihout too much trouble if I take this.

A few warnings, though:

  • Too much of any vitamin or mineral can be harmful. Avoid megadoses of anything.
  • Magnesium has a laxative effect, so if you have a situation in which you cannot get to the bathroom--if, for example, you are a teacher or nurse--you may want to start slowly and gradually increase the dose.